The Small Business Bureau
Promoting Entrepreneurship and Supporting Small Businesses Nationwide
Agency Overview
The Small Business Bureau, is a semi-autonomous agency established under the Ministry of Business, based on the Small Business Act of 2004. The Small Business Bureau office was established in 2010, and became operational in 2013 with funding from the Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF), for the ‘Micro and Small Enterprise Development (MSED Programme). The MSED Programme was implemented from 2013 to 2018, and facilitated access to finance and business development services for small businesses.
In order to achieve its mission the Bureau will enable the development of the Micro and Small Business sectors to their optimum through cultivation of entrepreneurship, fostering business cooperation, and solidifying the value chain for maximum contribution to the mainstream economy.
According to the Small Business Act 2004, the role of the Small Business Bureau, is to:
- Develop and implement programmes to foster small business development and growth, inclusive of access to finance.
- Review and promote Government policies which address issues affecting small businesses.
- Monitor and review access by ‘approved’ small businesses to 20 percent of Government procurement opportunities for goods and services.
- Be the source of information on the small business sector
The Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF) funded Micro and Small Enterprise
- Development (MSED) Project – 3,738 potential and small business owners trained;
- 591 grants and 224 loans at a total value of GYD760M disbursed to small business owners.
- Awarded 34 Green Business Technology Grants valued at GYD 1M each, to facilitate development of environmentally sustainable businesses. This count ends at 2020.
- 684 business owners benefit from specialized training in Sustaining Mining, Sustainable Forestry, Soap Manufacturing and Cosmetology.
- Established Help Desk facilities in eight (8) administrative regions of Guyana.
- 125 secondary school students from Guyana’s 10 administrative Regions, develop 60 small businesses under In-School Entrepreneurship Programme.
- 81 businesses developed or expanded by at-risk youth under the Citizen Security Strengthening Programme.
- Business Incubator Centre established at Belvedere, Corentyne Berbice, Region 6.

- 226-8120/23/35
- Opening Hours:
- Monday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
- Tuesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
- Wednesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
- Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
- Friday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
- Address: Lot 1, La Penitence Georgetown, Guyana